For Dear Beilie~~

由 Majo

My Dear Friend Beilie is getting married !!
In a way,
I could say that I’ve "watched" how she and Lu
came all the way from the beginning to where they are today;
watched how much Beilie has grown in these years.
I’d like to wish them an amazingly dreamy wedding at the beautiful blue tropics,
under Beilie’s favorite shades of blue and white;
surrounded by sunshine and close friends;
and all the happiness in the world that they deserve…
So, Bali, here we come … October 11th, 2008.


( all location pictures on this bulletin board came from the hotels and chapels’ official websites,
  copy right reserved to them;

  Beilie’s photos came from her blog, I asked for her permission to use them. 
  所有的景物圖片歸飯店和禮堂的官網版權所有,Beilie & Lu’s 照片有經過他們同意才取用的。

  The bulletin board is designed and crafted by Majo, no copying or forwarding without my permission,
   if you want to use it. you have to specify the original location.
   这个贴版是Majo自己设计和制作的, 不能随便修改或者挪用, 如果想要用请要求我的同意. 用者必须注名出处!!
   Please respect my intellectual property~~ 請尊重我的知識產權和辛苦勞動 !!).

7条评论 to “For Dear Beilie~~”

  1. 伴娘同学,你你你让我感动得我晕天晕地!!!!拥抱!!!!!!!!

  2. good,ok,ok,ok very ok

  3. Professional

  4. 强!!!照片里穿婚纱的是谁啊?beilie & Lu已经照啦?忍不住再说一次, 太强了,真好看!

  5. WOW… Very Professional!! SOOOO Beautiful!! :)

  6. 哇塞!伴娘同学,你这个贴图版做的也太美了吧?
